Easy measurement thanks to intuitive user guidance and visual animation
Results are available immediatly after measurement
Flexibility of use thanks to cordless measuring device and inductive charge management
Optimum integration into practice workflow thanks to direct patient data collection and connectivity to IT environment via HL7 or GDT interface
Maintenance-free system: no calibration required during the unit´s entire life-time
Intuitive and maintenance-free device for practices and clinics
Vivatmo pro was specifically developed for professional use. Thanks to its simple measuring procedure and intuitive operation, it is optimized for integration into clinical routines, This means physicians can be more efficient in their everyday clinical work, enabling them to further improve personalized patient treatment. The Vivatmo pro device for physicians differs from other devices in that it is wireless, maintenance-free and exceptionally user-friendly.
What does Vivatmo pro detect?
You can use Vivatmo to determine the level of the established biomarker nitric oxide (NO) in exhaled air and thus monitor allergic airway inflammation in your patients.
How does Vivatmo measure FeNO?
Your patient breathes calmly into the handheld through the disposable mouthpiece. After successful measurement, the result is available within a few seconds. FeNO measurement is quick, easy, repeatable, and non-invasive for your patients.
What does the FeNO value tell you?
FeNO is formed in the respiratory tract by epithelial cells. The NO concentration in the exhaled air therefore reflects the degree of inflammation in the respiratory tract – the more inflammatory cells there are, the more NO is produced. The higher the NO content, the more severe the inflammation. The NO concentration in exhaled air is measured in parts per billion (ppb). According to the asthma guidelines, increased FeNO values indicate allergic inflammation and thus support the diagnosis of allergic asthma.1
What are the advantages of FeNO measurement for you and your patients?
Using the FeNO value, you can detect allergic inflammation of the respiratory tract in your patients and closely monitor the progression of the inflammation, also during therapy. National and international guidelines recommend FeNO measurements for diagnosis, therapy management, and monitoring of asthma patients.1,2,3 Increased FeNO values indicate a worsening of the course of the disease even before a conspicuous pulmonary function test result and therefore allow early therapeutic countermeasures to be taken.4
1 Buhl et al. Pneumologie 2017; 71: 849–919
2 Dweik et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011;184: 602–15
3 NICE Guideline Asthma - diagnosis and monitoring (November 2017,
4 Bodini et al. J Breath Res. 2017; 27;11(4)
5 Prof. Dr. med. Felix Herth, Medical Director of Thoraxklinik Heidelberg, University Hospital Heidelberg, 2016